Commercial PROSPECTING techniques
by telephone sales storytelling
Immediate trainingprofitable
Find new profitable customers
Improve business margins
Acquire new business tools to improve performance
Win new customers more easily
This course is aimed at all people whose role is to find new customers and primarily sales people.
to be defined according to the specific objectives of the company
PROGRAM (indicative, tailor-made adaptation)
the technical bases of reflection on sale
Rapid strategic segmentation tool
Cost leadership, upward differentiation, downward differentiation
Reflection on the value brought in order to give commercial arguments
Understand the articulation between marketing segmentation and strategic segmentation: Rapid strategic segmentation tool. Why technology should be ignored.
The typology of competitive systems: an analysis tool to know how to react commercially with customers and how to position oneself in terms of differentiation
What is a good marketing operation or a good commercial operation?
• The simple rule that allows you to know if the commercial approach is good or not.
• focus on the margin
The typology of competitive systems
• The 4 main types of competition
• Solutions
Find the right arguments to convince
Interesting prospects in less than 30 seconds: the elevator pitch technique
Link with the SPIG technique
The face-to-face SPIG sales technique
The implicit need of the prospect
The explicit need of the prospect
Make customers realize they have a problem to solve
The 4 steps of the SPIG to formulate questions that work
Know how to formulate your offer based on the information collected, while avoiding customer objections
How to use the SPIG analysis tool to prepare your sale?
Sales storytelling
Link with the SPIG technique
The structure of a sales story
The paradox of choice
negative consequences
The telephone: old weapon of war that opens up opportunities
• Why sales people had stopped prospecting on the phone
• Why you have to start prospecting on the phone again and with what objective
• Tips and tricks for effective telephone prospecting
• Prospect in the hard to find new customers
• Prospecting management: a multi-step process
• Monitoring of prospecting
Technique to facilitate prospecting: social psychology techniques
Technique of touch for physical appointments
Alpha position for physical appointments
priming technique and perseverance
the artificial creation of freedom increases the power of conviction
reciprocity effects
sympathy effects
call right away