Tailor-made training
B2B Commercial Hunting
Prospecting on the phone in B2B,
these are techniques
Storytelling, foot in mouth, social psychology, decision freezing, cognitive biases
Vidéo de formation _cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ + White Paper
list of skills to have in ce link to commercial hunter training program
Do you need to find customers urgently?
Engage the discussion with Philippe immediately!
discouragementof the sales team?
no technical specificon the phone ?
nostorytelling ?
nomanipulative techniques?
difficultiesForconvince to buy?
poor organisationwork ?
Looking for atraining
technical, inspiring and motivating?
Philippe Massol
SmartOwl - prospectionclient.com
Philippe Massol has a doctorate in immunology and after completing an MBA, worked in an investment fund specializing in innovation.
He is the French-speaking global referent of LinkedIn Learning for topics related to commercial prospecting, business development and business development.
More than 50,000 people have taken his training on LinkedIn.
He also trains commercial teams face-to-face.
Want to go faster?
Engage the discussion with Philippe immediately!
Training | SmartOwl prospectionclient.com
contact: Philippe Massol +33695909039 contact@niels-conseil.com Beau Rivage 44000 Nantes - France